2nd chance to take portraits
About a week or two after the first portraits, we got a new chance to try. Point was to learn from previous try and make a better job this time. Still had no clue about how the camera was working. You could say the information went in one ear, and out the other. Not that the photos came out super ugly, but yeah :D Here are a few of them

First time using a system camera
These were the first photos i took at photography class. We were sent out with cameras and our task was to take portraits of our team partner. Can't say i knew anything about the stuff i was doing. I had never even held a system camera before. I just tried to get my motive as sharp as possible, firing off picture after picture and feeling total confusion over the ugly pictures i took. A couple though were decent for a total newbie and these are three of the ones. The background is not total scrub, the light is not too shabby either.